Haïti-Observateur, lè manke gid pèp la gaye. Presqu'un demi siècle ou dans un an accompli (juillet 2021)
Incorruptible Jurist Windelle Coq Thélot Qualified to lead Haiti out of the mess

Incorruptible Jurist Windelle Coq Thélot Qualified to lead Haiti out of the mess Special to Haïti-Observateur By Emmanuel Roy Haitian Jurist Windelle Coq-Thélot is a well-respected jurist who has made a name for herself over two decades as a serious and incorruptible judge, who is currently serving in Haiti’s Supreme Court (La Cour De Cassation). She is the most senior judge, and according to the Haitian constitution, it is the most senior judge who shall replace a departing president….

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