Haïti-Observateur, lè manke gid pèp la gaye. Presqu'un demi siècle ou dans un an accompli (juillet 2021)
An international publicity campaign to counteract opposition to a “one-man rule” in Haiti

An international publicity campaign to counteract opposition to a “one-man rule” in Haiti HAPPENNINGS! By Raymond Alcide Joseph Will the international campaign started on December 10 through the Washington Times, in a story signed by Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, accomplish the desired effect of getting Haiti’s Western allies on board, as he expands his “one-man rule” in Haiti ? The opinion piece in the junior Washington, D.C., publication, translated in French under the byline of a certain Pierre-Michel Jean/AFP,…

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How can they be called Christians while flaunting the Teachings of Jesus Christ ? by Raymond A Joseph*

How can they be called Christians while flaunting the Teachings of Jesus Christ ? by Raymond A Joseph* On reading a story in The New Yorker, September 2, 2020, I could not contain myself and felt unable to wait for the publication of my memoirs, still in the writing stage, to address the issue of racism among those calling themselves Christians, while going against the teachings of Jesus Christ in whose mantle they wrap themselves. The title of the…

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